About Bill

Working on my autobiography Bill's Journey in the home office in Allamughy, New Jersey.

Caught! – working on Bill’s Journey, my first autobiography .

I am married to the fabulous Daisy Alonso Serle and we now live in Florida. I had a varied career including publishing, food service, banking and medical administration. I am a retired reserve U.S. Coast Guard Commander and have been lucky to travel to many parts of the world.

My Hunter novels seemed to write themselves. I got the process started with an idea about a character and a situation but that’s it – the rest unfolded by itself. It surprised me when the story took twists and changes of scene. Paul Hunter and his circle of friends, family, foes and associates are probably real people living in some weird parallel universe.The Novel Hunter III was published in 2014. It deals with the post-2055 events, life issues, and economic challenges that will affect future generations. I’m sure actual events will exceed my poor imaginings.

STEALING ALI – is based on a true story – a parental kidnapping of a young child to the Middle East and her mother’s desperate struggle to get her back to America. Clicking on the cover images located on the right side of some pages will link you to Amazon and Kindle.

I have also published an autobiography, Bill’s Journey, and the story of my mothers life, Edna’s Love Letters.

Mark Twain, Robert Luis Stevenson, Jack London, Henry David Thoreau, Thor Heyerdahl and other powerful thinkers influence my writings. I want to share a few paragraphs from Thoreau’s Walden. I just rediscovered them.

“I should not talk so much about myself if there were anybody else whom I knew as well. Unfortunately, I am confined to this theme by the narrowness of my experience.

“Moreover, I, on my side, require of every writer, first or last, a simple and sincere account of his own life, and not merely what he has heard of other men’s lives; some such account as he would send to his kindred from a distant land; for if he has lived sincerely, it must have been in a distant land to me.”

Any comments you send will be  welcome. (Use the “Contact Me” tab on the top of this page.) You can depend on me to review them while I consider how to best unleash my writing energy.



  • Love this site! Want to read Bill’s Journey…bring to Scribblers.
    My husband (2nd time around for us for 26 wonderful years) was a Navy Commander pilot that landed on aircraft carriers and served for 23 yrs.

    • billserle says:

      Thanks for the kind words Kay. I hope you do read Stealing Ali and my other novels. Visit my website anytime to share my thoughts as I blog them.:-)

  • L:inda Dietz says:

    Thanks Bill for setting up your site–Daisy told me about it today. I am also passing your site onto friends of ours who get together with us once a week at least for dinner. Dave Helt is also a retired US Coast Guard officer. His cousin Ann Perry is a very successful writer of fiction and is also a science writer. Our neighbor Hope Flansburg is a writer who has just published a book called Piece by Piece–excellent. So I think we are surrounded by the best folks–those who know how to pur their thoughts into paper in ways that make us want more. I look forward to reading some of your other books. I have Stealing Ali and also bought a copy for our local Library.

    • billserle says:

      Thanks Linda. I just added a book of poetry, Swaying in the Wind. Thanks for helping us with health issues!

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